Happy 2020!

Happy New Year 2020 everyone and I have decided to set up a blog section to write about my musings, experiences, musical issues, concerts etc. which may be of interest to anyone – whether you are a beginner, classical music enthusiast, full-fledged musician, or completely new to music. I will perhaps begin either by looking back at the year 2019 and past concerts as well as my experience as a late starter to help to dispel the common belief that one has to learn music as a child before proceeding to the more serious stuff such as practising, scales, and performing.

On a side note, here’s to another year of music-making with everyone! The upcoming orchestra concerts will be really exciting. Especially looking forward to see a few of my students perform in the February student recitals, and subsequently the preparation for their music exams!

Watch this space for updates and do follow my Facebook and Instagram accounts too!
